Monday, May 21, 2012

May 14-18, 2012

Reading - Students are continuing to work on comprehending the difference between fact and opinion. They are also learning to compare and contrast when they read.  Students have been reading about Olympics:  Past and Present.

Writing - Students have been working on writing a variety of sentences with different beginnings.  They have also been working on combining choppy sentences to make their writing sound smoother.  Students completed their spring writing assessment about a pet.

Math - Third graders are working on measuring weight and volume.  Second graders are working on measuring by inch, foot, and yard.

Social Studies - Students are beginning their work on their selected topics for our inquiry unit on the Olympics. 

Science - We are continuing to study rocks and how thery are formed and what they are used for. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 7 - 11, 2012

Reading - Students are working on comprehending the difference between fact and opinion. They are also learning to compare and contrast when they read.  Students have been reading about Olympics:  Past and Present.

Writing - We finished up working with similes and metaphors by writing poems about a family member or friend.  We started working on sentence fluency by using a variety of sentence beginnings when we write a paragraph.

Math - Third graders are working on different types of measurement. Second graders are working on beginning division strategies while making fair shares.

Social Studies - Students are gathering information on their selected topics for our inquiry unit on the Olympics. 

Science - We are continuing to study rocks and how thery are formed and what they are used for.

Happy Mother's Day to all!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

April 30 - May 4, 2012

Reading - Students are working on comprehending the difference between fact and opinion.  They are also learning to compare and contrast when they read.

Writing - Students are working using exact nouns to make their writing stronger.  We have also been working with similies and metaphors to dress up their writing. 

Math - Third graders are working on sorting 3-D figures by attributes.  Second graders are working on using addition strategies when multiplying.

Social Studies - Students are using background knowledge and connections to form questions about the Olympic Games.  Students have selected topics of interest for research.

Science - We are working on the different parts of the earth and classifying rocks.

This week we completed out final round of MAPS testing.