Saturday, November 17, 2012

Reading - This week we will continue to work on identifying the key ideas and details of non-fiction text. We will also continue to listen to our inner voice when we read to make connections and deepen our understanding.  On Monday through shared reading we wil read The Turkey's Lucky Day: Presidential Pardon. Students will continue to build stamina in their independent reading by reading to self, reading to someone, and visiting the listening center during Daily 5 rotations.

Writing - This week we will work on finishing up our narrative piece that describe actions, thoughts, and feelings. We will also continue to work on contractions.

Math - This week we will begin working on subtracting single digit numbers.  Please remember to have your child practice their Rocket Math facts nightly. This can be done orally or written. Rocket Math tests are given on Tuesday and Thursday.

Inquiry - Students will finish their research on state government symbols.  

Due to the short week students will not have a words their way spelling assessment.  A new sort will come home on Tuesday for the week of November 26th.

Health alert...until the new year only wrapped store boughten treats will be allowed for birthdays and holiday parties.  Thank you for your understanding!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Reading - This week we will work on identifying the key ideas and details of non-fiction text.  On Monday through shared reading we will learn about how Veteran's Day become a national holiday.  Students will continue to build stamina in their independent reading by reading to self, reading to someone, and visiting the listening center during Daily 5 rotations.

Writing - This week we will continue working on a narrative piece that describe actions, thoughts, and feelings. Students will review the different ways to use commas. After that we will begin to work with contractions.

Math - This week we are demonstrating how to skip counting to 1,000 by 100's, 10's and 5's.  We will begin working on adding 10 or 100 to any given number 100-900.  Just a reminder to have your child practice their Rocket Math facts nightly.  This can be done orally or written.  Rocket Math tests are given on Tuesday and Thursday.

Inquiry - This week students will be identifying thick and thin questions that they wrote during a gallery walk on state government symbols. 

Report cards were sent home on Friday.  Please sign and return the report card envelope as soon as possible.  Thank you! 

Scholastic Books can now be ordered on-line by following these steps:
  • Register at
  • Enter the class avctivation code H6W2T.
  • Choose your books.
  • Submit the oder to your child's teacher, Mrs. Franz.
  • Earn FREE books for ou and the classroom too!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Reading - This week we will work on identifying the main purpose of a text, including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe.  Students will continue to build stamina in their independent reading by reading to self, reading to someone, and visiting the listening center during Daily 5 rotations.

Writing - This week we will begin working on a narrative piece that describe actions, thoughts, and feelings.  Students are also working on using commas in a series, and to set off a speaker's words.  After that we will begin to work with contractions.

Math - This week we are working on skip counting to 1,000 by 100's, 10's and 5's.

Inquiry - This week students will begin exploring state government symbols.