Sunday, October 28, 2012

Reading - This week through shared and guided reading we will be working on story mapping, character comparison, and main idea.  Students will continue to build stamina in their independent reading by reading to self, reading to someone, and visiting the listening center during Daily 5 rotations.

Writing - This week we will work on finishing up the writing process for Writer's Workshop.

Students are also working on using commas in big numbers, in a series, and to set off a speaker's words.

Math - This week we are continuing to work on comparing numbers using great than, less than, and equal to. We will also be working on skip counting to 1,000 by 100's, 10's and 5's.

Inquiry - This week students will work on finishing their inquiry reports on local government.  
                                          Students work on Skeleton Alliterations.

                              We celebrated Halloween with yummy root beer floats.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Reading - This week we will be reading Halloween poerty and short stories.  We will be working on  comprehension, choosing the meaning of words, paying attention to detail, comparing and contrasting, and word definition.  Students will continue to build stamina in their independent reading by reading to self, reading to someone, and visiting the listening center during Daily 5 rotations.

Writing - This week we will continue to work on launching writer's workshop by learning the steps in the writing process.  We will also learn about and write skeleton alliterations.

Students are also working on using commas to separate city and state, to separate the date from the year in dates, after the greeting and the closing in letters, and in big numbers.     

Math - This week we are continuing to work on comparing numbers using great than, less than, and equal to.  We will also work with a pictograph about a pumpkin carving contest.

Inquiry - This week students will begin to write their local government reports.  We will also be working on our group collaboration strategies.  

Help...Ms. North, mother of Jordan Harris is looking for someone to help her out with getting Jordan to school in the morning.  If you would be able to help out please contact Mrs. Franz at 604-4500 x1537.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Reading - This week we will be working on reading informational text and using text features to identify the main topic of paragraphs within the text.  Students will continue to build stamina in their independent reading by reading to self, reading to someone, and visiting the listening center during Daily 5 rotations.   

Writing - This week we will be launching Writer's Workshop.  Students will work on keeping a journal, choosing topics, story mapping, and beginning a story (rough draft).  

Students are continuing to work on using correct end punctuation when writing sentences.     

Math - This week we are working on place value, understanding the value of a digit in a number.  For example 830, what is the value of the 3?  The value of the 3 would be 30.  We will also be working on comparing numbers using great than, less than, or equal to.

Don't forget to practice Rocket Math every night!

Inquiry - On Friday we watched an interactive power point on local government.  Students will be selecting a component of local government to research.  This week we will spend time in the computer lab reseaching and taking notes on our topics of interest.

Thank you to all parents for attending conferences!  We had 100% participation!

Don't forget to volunteer your time at the up coming PTA Halloween Dance.  Even an hour of your time is appreciated.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Reading - We are continuing to work on CAFE - comprehension, accuaracy, fluency, and expanding vocabulary while we are reading in our guided reading groups. This week we worked on an accuracy strategy called "chunking." Students practice the CAFE strategies while reading to self or reading to someone! In our Guided Reading groups we are  also working on leaving tracks of our thinking. Students are learning to ask "thick" questions that require them to read further or research what they are wondering.  

Writing - This week we will be working on the 6 Trait writing component of "Ideas."  Students will work on choosing a strong idea and making it clear.   

Math - In math groups we are continuing to work on adding multi-digit numbers with or without regrouping, adding 3 or 4 two digit numbers, and problem solving. This week we will also work with base ten.

Thank you for getting us those paper towel tubes!

Inquiry - We have been learning and practicing comprehension and collaboration strategies as we prepare for our first inquiry unit on government. This week we will focus on sharing our passions. 

I'm looking forward to seeing all parents this week for our first parent-teacher conferences. 

                                                              Valuable Pictures!

                         Owen works on his numbers to 1,000!
                                               Fire Prevention Assembly

                      When there is smoke get low and crawl!

Mr. Van Dyke, Our Student Teacher
Another Valuable Picture