Sunday, October 21, 2012

Reading - This week we will be reading Halloween poerty and short stories.  We will be working on  comprehension, choosing the meaning of words, paying attention to detail, comparing and contrasting, and word definition.  Students will continue to build stamina in their independent reading by reading to self, reading to someone, and visiting the listening center during Daily 5 rotations.

Writing - This week we will continue to work on launching writer's workshop by learning the steps in the writing process.  We will also learn about and write skeleton alliterations.

Students are also working on using commas to separate city and state, to separate the date from the year in dates, after the greeting and the closing in letters, and in big numbers.     

Math - This week we are continuing to work on comparing numbers using great than, less than, and equal to.  We will also work with a pictograph about a pumpkin carving contest.

Inquiry - This week students will begin to write their local government reports.  We will also be working on our group collaboration strategies.  

Help...Ms. North, mother of Jordan Harris is looking for someone to help her out with getting Jordan to school in the morning.  If you would be able to help out please contact Mrs. Franz at 604-4500 x1537.

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