Sunday, December 9, 2012

Reading - This week we will continue to work on identifying the key ideas and details of non-fiction text. We will work on making text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world connections along with asking relevant questions to show deeper understanding. On Monday and Friday we will be working in the computer lab on an individualized reading program called Achieve 3000.

Writing - This week students will work on their opinion piece about whether it is better to give or to receive a gift.  Students will state their opinion and supply reasons for support of that opinion.  In mechanics, usage, and grammar students are working on using quotation marks correctly. 

Math - This week we will work on subtracting two digit numbers without and with regrouping. Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.  Students are also completing an assessment of Numbers in Base Ten skills and understanding. 

Inquiry - Students will share their State Government posters. We will begin our next inquiry on Federal Government by completing an Activation Guide and KWL chart.  In our study of Holidays in Other Lands we will visit Sweden and Germany.

Community Service Project:  The students in Room 101E selected a name off the PTA Giving Tree.  We will be collecting donations through Friday, December 14th to purchase a gift for 6 year old Jacob.

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