Monday, February 25, 2013

 Reading - This week we will focus on identifying fact and opinion. We will also summarize what we read using our own words.  During Daily 5 rotations students will inependently work on a booklet about living in the White House.

Writing - This week some students will finish their opinion piece about their favorite food. Students will state their opinion, supply reasons that support an opinion, using linking words (e.g. because and also) to connect opinion and reasons, provide a concluding statement. Students who have finished will continue working on a persausive piece about seating arrangements for March.  In  mechanics, usage, and grammar students will practice sorting nouns and verbs.  

Math - This week we will finish the benchmark assessment on operations and algebraic thinking.  Students have been working on a new strategy for adding two digit numbers.  Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.

Inquiry - This week we will work on magnetic strength to build our background knowledge of magnets.

All students will need a clean gallon milk jug with the label removed by Friday, March 15th. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Reading - This week we will continue to focus on using context clues to help us define unknown vocabulary when we read. We will also continue to work on determining importance when we read. During Daily 5 rotations students will inependently work on a booklet about President's Day. 

Writing - This week some students will finish their opinion piece about their favorite food. Students will state their opinion, supply reasons that support an opinion, using linking words (e.g. because and also) to connect opinion and reasons, and porvide a concluding statement. Students who have finished will begin working on a persausive piece about seating arrangements for March.  In mechanics, usage, and grammar students will use abbreviations for titles, days of the week, and months.

Math - This week we will begin a benchmark assessment on operations and algebraic thinking.  Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.

Inquiry - This week we will continue to explore magnets, learn about magnetism, and test for magnetic strength to build our background knowledge of magnets.

We celebrated Valentine's Day together with lunch from McDonald's!

There's nothing better than Chickien McNuggets! Except maybe a cheeseburger!

This is the best day ever!

I could do this everyday!

Happy Valentine's Day from Room 101E!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Reading - This week we will focus on using context clues to help us define unknown vocabulary when we read. We will also work on determining importance when we read.

Writing - This week students will finish their opinion piece about their favorite food. Students will state their opinion, supply reasons that support an opinion, using linking words (e.g. because and also) to connect opinion and reasons, and porvide a concluding statement. In mechanics, usage, and grammar students will be working on changing "y" to "i" and adding "es" when making a word plural that ends with a consonant followed by "y."  baby = babies.

Math - This week we will continue working on stategies for finding the missing addend in a number sentence. We will also work on finding equal addends for a given sum.  14 + 14 = 28.   Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.

Inquiry - This week we will continue explore magnets, learn about magnetism, and test for magnetic strength to build our background knowledge of magnets.

Students discover that it is possible to make magnets float!

Anika tests magnetic strength.

Working with magnets can be fun!

Duache and Haley discover the strength in magnets.

Mitchell is a Winter Wonderland!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Reading - This week we will continue to work on character traits and feelings,  cause and effect, and compare and contrast. We will also continue to work on making logical inferences when we read.

Writing - This week students will work on an opinion piece about their favorite food. Students will state their opinion, supply reasons that support an opinion, using linking words (e.g. because and also) to connect opinion and reasons, and porvide a concluding statement. In mechanics, usage, and grammar students will be working with adding "s" and "es" to make a word plural. We will also work on how to make a word plural when that word ends with "y."

Math - This week we will  begin working on stategies for finding the missing addend in a number sentence. Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.

Inquiry - This week we explore magnets, learn about magnetism, and test for magnetic strength.