Sunday, February 3, 2013

Reading - This week we will continue to work on character traits and feelings,  cause and effect, and compare and contrast. We will also continue to work on making logical inferences when we read.

Writing - This week students will work on an opinion piece about their favorite food. Students will state their opinion, supply reasons that support an opinion, using linking words (e.g. because and also) to connect opinion and reasons, and porvide a concluding statement. In mechanics, usage, and grammar students will be working with adding "s" and "es" to make a word plural. We will also work on how to make a word plural when that word ends with "y."

Math - This week we will  begin working on stategies for finding the missing addend in a number sentence. Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.

Inquiry - This week we explore magnets, learn about magnetism, and test for magnetic strength.

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