Sunday, March 3, 2013

Reading - This week we will continue to focus on identifying fact and opinion. We will also review and work on making inferences when we read. During Daily 5 rotations students will continue to inependently work on a booklet about living in the White House.
Writing - This week students will work on a district writing assessment. They will be writing an opinion piece on their favorite season.  Students will state their opinion, supply reasons that support an opinion, using linking words (e.g. because and also) to connect opinion and reasons, provide a concluding statement.  In mechanics, usage, and grammar students will work on using the right work like "here" and "hear," and "no" and "know." 

Math - This week we will take a pre-assessment on measurement. Students will be measuring inches, feet, and yards with rulers and yardsticks.  Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.

Inquiry - This week we will look at how we use magnets in everyday life.

All students will need a clean gallon milk jug with the label removed by Friday, March 15th.
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Students wear mustaches like the Lorax!

Mayor Dan Devine reads The Lorax.

Mrs. Koch is our Guest Reader and shares her favorite Dr. Seuss books!

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