Sunday, September 30, 2012

Reading - We are continuing to work on CAFE - comprehension, accuaracy, fluency, and expanding vocabulary while we are reading in our guided reading groups. This week we worked on an accuracy strategy called "Flip the Sound."  Students practice the CAFE strategies while reading to self or reading to someone!

Writing - This week we will be learning about the parts of a letter while we write thank you letters to PTA for the Mitchell in Motion event!  

Math - In math groups we are continuing to work on adding multi-digit numbers with or without regrouping, and problem solving.  This week we will also work on adding 3 or 4 two digit numbers. 

All students will need a paper toweling tube for math a.s.a.p. Thank you!

Inquiry - We have been learning and practicing comprehension and collaboration strategies as we prepare for our first inquiry unit on government. Our focus has been on identifying non-fiction features in non-fiction books. 

Congratulations Room 101E we were awarded two FISH awards this week.  We received the Golden Paintbrush for great work habits in Art.  We also received the Principal Award for being on task and working hard during our literacy block.   

Pictures from Mitchell in Motion - September 28, 2012

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