Monday, April 29, 2013

Reading - This week students have been working on prefixes and suffixes.  Students continue to rotate through the Daily 5 activities that include read to self, read to someone, work on writing, listen to reading, and word work.

Writing - This week students will continue working on combining sentences using and, but, or.   In mechanics, usage, and grammar students are working on singular and plural nouns.

Math - This week students have been working on identifying parts of a graph and reading a graph. Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.

Inquiry - This week we investigated different types of spiders, and made spiders that are hanging from our ceiling.

Mitchell Elementary Spring Sing

Wednesday, May 8th 2013

At Mitchell Elementary School Gym

There will be 2 separate performances to assure that we have ample seating in the gym for everyone who would like to attend.  The 1:30 performance  will be short and will include students in the following classes: Ashenberg, Gale, Kendall, Pemberton, Reichert, Reiser, Richards, Rostermundt, and Zelinski.  The 6:30 performance will include students in the following classes: Carson, Germain, Hansen, Hart, Leal, Nowak, Franz and Vasta. 

All students in the 6:30 performance should be at Mitchell no Later than 6:10 to ensure that we are ready to start on time. 

Because this is a performance, students are required to dress nicely.  Khaki, dress, or black slacks would be a great choice with a polo, button up dress shirt, or blouse.  Dresses and skirts are welcome as long as they are knee length.  Heels for girls are OK as long as they are comfortable and easy to walk in.  Keep in mind, students will be standing on platforms or risers. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Lisa Bong

General and Vocal music

General Mitchell Elementary School

(414) 604-4500 Ext. 4540



Sunday, April 7, 2013

Reading - This week we will continue working on figuative language. Students will review hyperbole, and be introduced to personification and onomatopoeia.  Reading groups will continue to read informational text about our solar system. Students continue to rotate through the Daily 5 activities that include read to self, read to someone, work on writing, listen to reading, and word work.

Writing - This week students will begin working on writing an informative piece in which students will introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement.   In mechanics, usage, and grammar students will review using the right word, and parts of a sentence.

Math - This week students will work on measuring with centimeters and meters.  They will also work on reading a thermometer in Farenheight and Celcius.   Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.

Inquiry - This week we will continnue working on different parts of the solar system and what affect they have on Earth.  Students will also be working on individual projects for the upcoming Inquiry Fair on April 18th.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Spring Break!  It is hard to believe we are beginning the forth quarter.  It is important that students stay focused and continue to give their best effort.  We have a lot of ground to still cover.
Students learn about the importance of not smoking!

This week we earned the Golden Music and Heart Awards!

Students lead the morning meeting

Owen teaches us about perimeter.
Students turn milk jugs into bunny baskets.
Thank  you to all bunnies that contributed to filling the baskets!

Students hunt for Easter eggs.