Monday, December 16, 2013

Reading - We will be postponing our plays until after Winter Break.  We have been working hard on Achieve 3000, reading articles and completing activities.   Each day we work through the Daily 5 which includes reading to self, reading to someone, word work, writing, and technology. 

Writing - Students have written Haikus about winter and Christmas.  They typed them on the computer and illustrated them.  They did a great job.  Next we will explore cinquain poetry   In mechanics, usage, and grammar students are working on synonyms.


Math - Students continue to work on understanding equivalent fractions. Students work daily on  number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and I-Pad activities that support the Common Core State Standards.  On Tuesdays and Thursday students also work on multiplication facts.

Inquiry - Students continue to learn about Christmas in other countries.  This week will visit Liberia, Japan, and the United States.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Reading - Students finished sharing their Prezi's about Thanksgiving.  Reading groups are working on plays which will be presented prior to winter break.  Each day we work through the Daily 5 which includes reading to self, reading to someone, word work, writing, and technology. 

Writing - Students will be introduced to and practice writing different types of poetry beginning with Haiku.   In mechanics, usage, and grammar students worked on capital letters and end punctuation.


Math - Students will work on understanding equivalent fractions. Students work daily on  number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and I-Pad activities that support the Common Core State Standards.  On Tuesdays and Thursday students also work on multiplication facts.

Inquiry - Students are learning about Christmas in other countries.  We have already learned about Italy and Brazil.  This week will begin with Australia.

Brooklyn G. FISH Ambassador

Thank you guest readers for joining us on
"Thankful for Books" and Pajama Day
Miss Dierbeck

Mrs. Foster and Sadie

Autumn and Brooklyn

Tommy and his Grandma

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Reading - This week in our reading groups students finished reading books about Thanksgiving.  Students created and will share the  Prezi they created.  Each day we work through the Daily 5 which includes reading to self, reading to someone, word work, writing, and technology. 

Writing - "Turkeys" finished writing letters to Farmer Hill asking him to make a choice other than turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.  In mechanics, usage, and grammar students worked on capital letters and end punctuation.


Math - Students continue to work on understanding fractions as numbers. Students work daily on  number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and I-Pad activities that support the Common Core State Standards.  On Tuesdays and Thursday students also work on multiplication facts.

Inquiry - Students have been sharing their Healthy Me information by "Going Public" with their projects.

This weeks Fish Ambassador
Sadie Foster


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Reading - This week in our reading groups students read books about Thanksgiving.  Students will share what they have read through Prezi's.   Each day we work through the Daily 5 which includes reading to self, reading to someone, word work, writing, and technology. 

Writing - Students are pretending to be turkeys and writing letters to Farmer Hill asking him to make a choice other than turkey for Thanksgiving dinner.  In mechanics, usage, and grammar students worked on possessive pronouns.


Math - Students are working on understanding fractions as numbers.  We explored this concept using a Hershey Bar.  That was a delicious activity.  Students work daily on  number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and I-Pad activities that support the Common Core State Standards.  On Tuesdays and Thursday students also work on multiplication facts.

Inquiry - Students have been working in small groups on their healthy me projects.  Groups will begin presenting on Friday.

Last week's FISH Ambassador - Duache Thao

Learning about fractions with Hershey Bars...Yum!

Carlos ate 2/12 of his Hershey Bar.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Reading - This week we continued to work on making logical inferences when we read.   Each day we work through the Daily 5 which includes reading to self, reading to someone, word work, writing, and technology. 

Writing - This week students worked on building stamina when journal writing.  Students are also working on making their writing more interesting by adding appropriate details.   In mechanics, usage, and grammar students worked on pronouns.

Math - Students have continued working on multiplying with multiples of 10.  Students work daily on  number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and I-Pad activities that support the Common Core State Standards.  On Tuesdays and Thursday students also work on multiplication facts.

Inquiry - This week we started our unit on Healthy Me.   Students also began working on projects to go with the Healthy Me unit.

Congratulations Brooklyn on being our first FISH Ambassador in Room 104!


Friday, November 1, 2013

Reading - This week we worked on making logical inferences when we read.  Each day we work through the Daily 5 which includes reading to self, reading to someone, word work, writing, and technology. 

Writing - This week students worked on editing and rewriting their pen pal letters.   In mechanics, usage, and grammar students worked on different endings for plural nouns and irregular plural nouns.  

Math - Students have been working on multiplying with multiples of 10.  Students work daily on  number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and I-Pad activities that support the Common Core State Standards.  On Tuesdays and Thursday students also work on multiplication facts.

Inquiry - This week we explored the Mexican Day of the Dead celebration. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Reading - This week we worked on asking and answering questions by looking back in our reading.  We also started working on logical inferencing.

Writing - This week students worked on journal writing.   In mechanics, usage, and grammar students worked on nouns and proper nouns.  

Math - Students have been working on using rounding to estimate amounts. Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.

Inquiry - This week we continued to work on the body systems by exploring parts of the brain.

Happy Halloween from Team Soar

We celebrated with root beer floats...yum!

A visit from Miss Plant

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Reading - This week we read about hibernation.  We worked on written comprehension after reading to self.   Students continue to rotate through the Daily 5 activities that include read to self, read to someone, work on writing, listen to reading, and word work.

Writing - This week students worked on a narrative piece about an alien.  Students will continue to work on an informative piece about their favorite toy.    In mechanics, usage, and grammar students worked on counting syllables.  This week they will practice their editing skills.  

Math - Students have been working on identifying 2D and 3D shapes and their attributes. Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards. 

Inquiry - This week we worked on identifying different types of animals mammals, fish, birds, amphibians, and reptiles.  We are looking forward to our field trip to the zoo.

Thank you to Jack Plemons (Chris Menden's grandpa) for chaperoning our field trip to the Planetarium.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Reading - This week we continued to work on reading informational text, answering questions, and buiding fluency.   Students continue to rotate through the Daily 5 activities that include read to self, read to someone, work on writing, listen to reading, and word work.

Writing - This week students will continue to work on an informative piece about a favorite toy. In mechanics, usage, and grammar students are working on identifying and using verbs and articles.  

Math - This week students have been working with money.  We will finish the year on geometry starting with 2-D and 3-D shapes.  Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.
Inquiry - This week we learned about the butterfly's lifecycle.  We read a legend about how butterflies came to be, and we explored symmetry by looking at butterfly's wings.  We also created butterflies out of clothespins, with a salad spinner, and with paint.  We will finish the year looking at the different classes of animals. 

   WooHoo!!  We are finished with MAP testing for the year!

                  Field Day is Wednesday, May 22nd.

High Interest Day is Friday, May 24th...PTA is in desperate need of volunteers please consider helping out!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Reading - This week we worked on reading non-fiction text and distinguishing between information that is important and information that is interesting.  We also worked on compound words and pronouns.   Students continue to rotate through the Daily 5 activities that include read to self, read to someone, work on writing, listen to reading, and word work.

Writing - This week students will continue to work on a narrative piece about a favorite toy. In mechanics, usage, and grammar students are working on identifying and using pronouns.

Math - This week students have been working on telling time to the hour and 1/2 hour along with elapsed time.  Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.

Inquiry - This week we learned ways that insects are helpful to us and ways that they are harmful to us. Next week we will explore butterflies and their life cycle.  

       Final MAP testing this week onTuesday in math!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Reading - This week students continued working on prefixes and suffixes, and will begin working on compound words.  Students continue to rotate through the Daily 5 activities that include read to self, read to someone, work on writing, listen to reading, and word work.

Writing - This week students will begin working on a narrative piece about a favorite toy.   In mechanics, usage, and grammar students are working on identifying and using pronouns.

Math - This week students have been working on identifying parts of a pie graph, line graph and a line plot.  We also began working on telling time to the hour.  Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.

Inquiry - This week we indentified and read about different insects. 

                         MAP testing this week Tuesday!

Mitchell Elementary Spring Sing

Wednesday, May 8th 2013

AtMitchell Elementary School Gym

There will be 2 separate performances to assure that we have ample seating in the gym for everyone who would like to attend. The 1:30 performance will be short and will include students in the following classes: Ashenberg, Gale, Kendall, Pemberton, Reichert, Reiser, Richards, Rostermundt, and Zelinski. The 6:30 performance will include students in the following classes: Carson, Germain, Hansen, Hart, Leal, Nowak, Franz and Vasta.

All students in the 6:30 performance should be at Mitchell no Later than 6:10 to ensure that we are ready to start on time.

Because this is a performance, students are required to dress nicely. Khaki, dress, or black slacks would be a great choice with a polo, button up dress shirt, or blouse. Dresses and skirts are welcome as long as they are knee length. Heels for girls are OK as long as they are comfortable and easy to walk in. Keep in mind, students will be standing on platforms or risers.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Lisa Bong

General and Vocal music

General MitchellElementary School

(414) 604-4500 Ext. 4540

Monday, April 29, 2013

Reading - This week students have been working on prefixes and suffixes.  Students continue to rotate through the Daily 5 activities that include read to self, read to someone, work on writing, listen to reading, and word work.

Writing - This week students will continue working on combining sentences using and, but, or.   In mechanics, usage, and grammar students are working on singular and plural nouns.

Math - This week students have been working on identifying parts of a graph and reading a graph. Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.

Inquiry - This week we investigated different types of spiders, and made spiders that are hanging from our ceiling.

Mitchell Elementary Spring Sing

Wednesday, May 8th 2013

At Mitchell Elementary School Gym

There will be 2 separate performances to assure that we have ample seating in the gym for everyone who would like to attend.  The 1:30 performance  will be short and will include students in the following classes: Ashenberg, Gale, Kendall, Pemberton, Reichert, Reiser, Richards, Rostermundt, and Zelinski.  The 6:30 performance will include students in the following classes: Carson, Germain, Hansen, Hart, Leal, Nowak, Franz and Vasta. 

All students in the 6:30 performance should be at Mitchell no Later than 6:10 to ensure that we are ready to start on time. 

Because this is a performance, students are required to dress nicely.  Khaki, dress, or black slacks would be a great choice with a polo, button up dress shirt, or blouse.  Dresses and skirts are welcome as long as they are knee length.  Heels for girls are OK as long as they are comfortable and easy to walk in.  Keep in mind, students will be standing on platforms or risers. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Lisa Bong

General and Vocal music

General Mitchell Elementary School

(414) 604-4500 Ext. 4540



Sunday, April 7, 2013

Reading - This week we will continue working on figuative language. Students will review hyperbole, and be introduced to personification and onomatopoeia.  Reading groups will continue to read informational text about our solar system. Students continue to rotate through the Daily 5 activities that include read to self, read to someone, work on writing, listen to reading, and word work.

Writing - This week students will begin working on writing an informative piece in which students will introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement.   In mechanics, usage, and grammar students will review using the right word, and parts of a sentence.

Math - This week students will work on measuring with centimeters and meters.  They will also work on reading a thermometer in Farenheight and Celcius.   Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.

Inquiry - This week we will continnue working on different parts of the solar system and what affect they have on Earth.  Students will also be working on individual projects for the upcoming Inquiry Fair on April 18th.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Spring Break!  It is hard to believe we are beginning the forth quarter.  It is important that students stay focused and continue to give their best effort.  We have a lot of ground to still cover.
Students learn about the importance of not smoking!

This week we earned the Golden Music and Heart Awards!

Students lead the morning meeting

Owen teaches us about perimeter.
Students turn milk jugs into bunny baskets.
Thank  you to all bunnies that contributed to filling the baskets!

Students hunt for Easter eggs.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Reading - This week we will begin working on figuative language. Students will be introduced to idioms and similes. Students continue to rotate through the Daily 5 activities that include read to self, read to someone, work on writing, listen to reading, and word work.
Writing - This week students will finish their district writing assessment. They will be writing an opinion piece on their favorite season. Students will state their opinion, supply reasons that support an opinion, using linking words (e.g. because and also) to connect opinion and reasons, provide a concluding statement. In mechanics, usage, and grammar students will work on using the right word.

Math - This week students will continue to measuring inches, feet, and yards with rulers yardsticks, and tape measures. Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.

Inquiry - This week we will finish  looking at how we use magnets in everyday life.

Thank you Owen for the tasty St. Patrick's Day treats!  I wonder if the Leprechaun will pay a visit to our room!

Don't forget to visit the Book Fair this week.  The Book Fair Coin Challenge also starts Monday with Pennies. 
Don't forget  March 18th Parent - Teacher conferences.

Congratulations to Anika Schwartz for receiving the Highest Achievement in Math award and to Jaida DeBerry for receiving the Most Improved Math Award!  Great job girls!

Congratulations to the Big-Red Team of Duache, Carlos, Carsen, and Jordan D.B. for winning the weekly traveling Fish! Great job!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Reading - This week we will continue to focus on identifying fact and opinion. We will also review and work on summarizing and identifying information or interesting facts when we read.  Students continue to rotate through the Daily 5 activities that include read to self, read to someone, work on writing, listen to reading, and word work.

Writing - This week students will continue to work on a district writing assessment. They will be writing an opinion piece on their favorite season. Students will state their opinion, supply reasons that support an opinion, using linking words (e.g. because and also) to connect opinion and reasons, provide a concluding statement. In mechanics, usage, and grammar students will work on using the right word like "to," "too," and "two" and "there," "their," and "they're."

Math - This week students will be measuring inches, feet, and yards with rulers  yardsticks, and tape measures. Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.

Inquiry - This week we will continue to look at how we use magnets in everyday life.
All students will need a clean gallon milk jug with the label removed by Friday, March 15th. 

Don't forget to sign up for March 18th Parent - Teacher conferences.

On Friday, March 15th our class will be leading the Friday FISH meeting.

Congratulations to the Mini-Red Team of Kyle and Anika for winning the weekly traveling Fish!  Great job!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Reading - This week we will continue to focus on identifying fact and opinion. We will also review and work on making inferences when we read. During Daily 5 rotations students will continue to inependently work on a booklet about living in the White House.
Writing - This week students will work on a district writing assessment. They will be writing an opinion piece on their favorite season.  Students will state their opinion, supply reasons that support an opinion, using linking words (e.g. because and also) to connect opinion and reasons, provide a concluding statement.  In mechanics, usage, and grammar students will work on using the right work like "here" and "hear," and "no" and "know." 

Math - This week we will take a pre-assessment on measurement. Students will be measuring inches, feet, and yards with rulers and yardsticks.  Students work daily on a number of the day, problem solving, math writing, and activities that support the Common Core State Standards.

Inquiry - This week we will look at how we use magnets in everyday life.

All students will need a clean gallon milk jug with the label removed by Friday, March 15th.
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Students wear mustaches like the Lorax!

Mayor Dan Devine reads The Lorax.

Mrs. Koch is our Guest Reader and shares her favorite Dr. Seuss books!